Tuesday. Today. We began our three days of school visits with a visit to Maysoun's school. A school of smiles and learning.

Ain Jaloot is one of the best upper secondary schools (11th and 12th grades) in Jordan. The traditional teaching supplies (science posters, science supplies, text books, etc.) are very well organized and there are several computer labs and other aspects of modern technology (a digital video hook-up for the classroom microscope). However, what impresses me about Ain Jaloot is the sense of family and personal respect that radiates from the principal and the teachers. The principal cares about the students, smiles and encourages students, and believes in her school as a place of learning and love for young women who will become some of the 21st century leaders of Jordan and the Arab World. Technology is necessary to prepare young people for the modern world, but care and respect for students is essential in creating an environment where people learn. (I should also mention that there is a care for the school as an orderly place--the principal made sure that students left the halls clean after lunch.) Today is a reminder that schools should never forget that the power of encouragement and a smile is the foundation for powerful schools.

Today we ate two feast style meals--the first cooked by the teachers

and the second by Maysoun. I am overfed...almost tipsy with food after two feast today and one feast two days ago and a lot of food yesterday on campus and at Madaba.