Eleven days plus a sunrise and breakfast experienced.
Eleven days more plus a sunrise and breakfast yet to experience.
We had about 22 days in Jordan from arrival on Saturday afternoon, August 2nd to departure on Sunday noon, August 24th--travel time through the air not included. Eleven days is not a lot of time, but it is half-way.

The top is a picture from our first full day in Jordan, and the next photo is from a few hours ago at the Amman Children's Museum. Already the three Jordanian teachers in the photo above (Hiyam, Manal, and Mustafa) have had to pull back from the the program and begin preparing for the beginning of their school year. School begins in Jordan in five days.
Today was half-way through our journey in Jordan, and it was also a day that foreshadowed autumn. There were clouds in the sky this morning, and the air was cool. This morning as I walked around the campus the August air was a mid-sixties cool with clouds and a breeze.

In August there are days that already have a touch of September in them. When I feel autumn in the air, I know that it is time to think about going back to the classroom. I have spent almost every September of my life starting school in September.

Eight hours after setting foot back in North America I will be back in my classroom and amongst my fellow Shorecrest teachers for a pre-school workshop.
I have eleven days of summer vacation left. In a way, teachers follow a natural cycle. Now it is my time to migrate back to the classroom and to my students. It is only natural for me to begin to think about my new students and to feel drawn back to the classroom when touched by even the faintest trace of autumn in the air.